part 1
In ancient times there was a Phairoh that went by the name du tat.  he was powerful beyond measure; and at that time the people believed he had powers beyond the gods.
These powers supposedly came from the gems but with further studies suggest that his powers came from another world. By using the pyramid as the mechanical mechanism to unleash the Gems powers that would then be used to open the portal to another place.
during his reign the empire of Duta was thriving.  Phairoh du tat used those powers to summon the dead and conquer his enemies using supernatural ways. for he used these powers to conquer his enemies and enslave their people to help build his empire. Du-Tate had a generous side, a purer to the heart when he had fallen in love with many women. 
It is believed that these powers also cursed his people and Du-tat with greed and envy.
There was a time when the sorcerer Phairoh used his powers to create peace and prosperity for all.  Though that came to an end when Du-tat became too greedy. 
For others wanted him to share the power and Du-tat was not just able to give people his powers nor would he give up his reign by even trying to share with people he looked down upon.   Du-tat went from a great leader to a tyrant
and as time passed on; the Pharaoh powers grew stronger, and many close allies turned against him as he started to get too old.  for the powers gave him life beyond many generations possible there came a that day when some people and leaders' jealousy had taken over.  
Even Dutat himself became greedy and self-centered.
And for a time being the problems of his leadership never came into question but plots to take the thrown as allies secretly played games of coup.  But no normal man can could take Dutat out the way.  Only that of another powerful being like himself could take him down and his throne.  with many not able to prevail on their quest to become Gods.  But There came a time with the many assignations attempt and revolts; the power struggle became too much for Du-Tat and slowly his influence among his peers in the empire crumpled and the pharaoh had to come with a new plan.
 he could no longer control his allegiances.  He could no longer control his empire and because his death was imminent.  to ensure his legacy lives on after his death.  He conjured up his powers and ceiled himself away in the jungle in what is now known as the tomb of Du-tat.
Du-tat supposedly had an army of the dead build a temple and city on top of what seemed to be his burial site
 For thousands of years as plagues, wars, and natural occurrences the tomb was never unsealed... 
Part 2
There was a man named Doc who went in search for the city of DUTA and the legendary gems that have mystical powers. Powers that could generate the Docs experimental medical equipment.
During the trip to the jungles of Dutan. Doc had helped many of the villagers and people along his way hoping they could help guide him with more knowledge of the city Duta.  While also learning some new medical techniques and strange customs he had finally found the right pieces to get where he was going.
Doc hired and expedition team to help him find the lost city of Duta.  
As they cut and chopped their way through the jungle brush and got closer to this city and the ruby, Doc kept hearing voices speak to him that was hard to interpret and also unable to translate.  But gave him the sense he was getting closer to the City of Duta. 
Later that week in the late morning, early afternoon the expeditions found the city of Duta.  It was a magnificent site for Doc finally met his destiny.  As the expedition team went searching around the city and some of the ruble strange occurrence kept happening as they got to the ancient architectural burial site that held the tomb and the supposed Duta chi ruby.  The teams were told by Doc to immediately start excavating the surrounding area to figure out a way to get inside.  The Doc wanted everything from the site to be carefully handled wanted things to be preserved to bring back to the museum he was building in the New World.
As the Doc and 36 of his men entered the tomb the voices started to take over. 
There were sounds of strange mean sounding creatures lurking.  The dead from inside the tomb came back to life as outside air flowed through the hallowed halls. 
The team went in the afternoon that day but only the Doc came out in a course of three days with the rubies and several gems but nobody else behind him.
The Doc was unfazed by anything that happened to his men when they were in the tomb. He came out with blood dirt and sweat dripping from him and yelled at the rest of his men to pack everything up and move all the ancient treasurers to the boat to be shipped out.
The ship was packed with the treasurers and sailed back to the New World.
Doc instead of bringing everything to the museum and had started working on the ship of a design with a design for a new home that would hide all the treasurers by incorporating the artifacts and treasure into the house.
So instead of the Doc bringing everything back to his museum he had hired a construction crew to build the house from his blueprint.
There were moments some of the construction crew thought suspicious of Doc while doing construction on the home; but never wanted to get fired. Doc would have moments of clarity knowing full well what was happening to him.  Once in a while he would hide clues and even threw a little wrench in the workers original plans that he drew up.
But the Doc while being helped by Du-Tat to secure the home with enchantments, traps, and with curse of Du-tat the Doc built machines that absorb the powers of the Duta chi ruby and poses the dead. 
The Doc was going so crazy with Du-tat in his head that at one point in three years the Doc worked and constructed this strange machine that had been connected to the elevator from underneath the house.  This allowed for the Pharoah to come down from his prism relm and down to Earth.
As the house neared completion the Pharaoh had taken possession of the workers and sent them off to rebuild the city of Duta.  Then the final touch was turning on the Duta chi machine which not only bought back the dead but had also hidden powers to interconnect with another dimensional world. 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE CURSE
The curse had started to change things in the New World. 
For the next eight years the Doc had started using the home every October as a haunted house letting unsuspecting guest to come and tour the haunted mansion to never come back out as who they once were.
Du-tats curse though was not just the possessing of people.
No.  The curse is that of the Duta chi ruby that can change reality around everyone. Some who survived had said it was like they went to another dimension or some type of multidimensional universe. 
For the Pharaoh had been possessing others and using them to create his following of soldiers so he could claim back his rule once more.   But the other dimension is where Du-tat had not only learned about his power but also where he draws powers from.  
And the curse keeps moving around the globe effecting many and creating a worm whole through time and space. 
Part 3
Scene 1
One day Steve and his friends were at the park looking up at the stars.  Then the curse had warped them without any realization to them that they had been brought into another universe.  One of the friends Deven had noticed something strange was going on when he saw his body change and he then saw a house appear in the woods.
A little confused about where he was seeing; he decided to for a strange reason that he should go wondering into the house.
So, he got up and started walking to the home of the unknown.
His friends saw him going into this strange house, so they got up and were going to see what was going on till a Skelton came out of the ground.  One of the friends thought that he was hallucinating; but oh, surely was not.  As the Skelton got closer the friends panicked and scampered away leaving the question of what happened to Steve?

Scene 2
One day the four friends have not seen Steve even though they did not plan on going back to that house; they were walking through the park to get to school and all of a sudden, the house appeared, and Doc was just waiting outside.  The girls freaked out but then Doc quickly comforted them with kind words of pure genuine. 
"Don't you fear the greatest Haunted house is here!" Doc yelled.
They were curious about what was going on so Lindsey introduced herself and then Darcey but before they could finish introducing themselves The Guardian Spirit interrupted by turning Doc's machine on.
right then and there something startled Danna.
One of the undead had started to come out of the ground.  Doc then yelled 
"It's another skeleton! Get inside children he won't be able to get you once you're in the house."
Doc started running in they all followed except Danna who had passed out.  Apparently, no one thought to pick her up and so she laid outside unconscious as the undead skeleton started to go toward her.
Everyone else shoved and pushed their way into Doc's home.  As they got in the doors were quickly shut and Danna was left outside unconscious and her friends completely unaware that they had left her outside.
But once they got inside Doc explains to him what he did under Du-tats spell.  The girls freak out on him.
The girls were Scared and afraid for their lives.  The doc explained to them how the pharaoh has his guard's spirits have taken control of the house and has cursed the world.  He asks them if they will help him to stop Du-tat.
The girls agreed. 
Doc walked them over to the organs and explained to them they must play the organs and chant at the shrine to summon the Guardian Spirit.  they must then defeat the spirit to life the invisible barrier and walls blocking them from getting to the other rooms.  Which thy must do to take control of Docs machines and stop Du-tat from spreading his curse. 
As they played the organs and summoned the Spirit which was about to attack the girls until docs assistant snuck downstairs by going through the top balcony knowing exactly what Doc was trying to do. with the magical ruby that he grabbed from the room he was stuck in which would help them defeat the Spirit and take control of the house.  or so they thought.
A fight broke out the spirit had the girls spinning around each other as they were no match with the weapons, they had nor their fighting skills against the spirit.  But Docs assistant Doc two who was chanting words ton conjure the spell to dissipate the spirit using the magical ruby he held in his hand.
and vamoose the spirit shuttered and then disappeared  

Third scene
Two roommates G and Brian came home from work expecting to go inside and take some time to rest.
But as they entered their apartment, they had suddenly been transported into the other realm.
A tad bit distraught about what was happening to them at that moment.
G says “Brian I don’t think this is our apartment”
“Are we stuck in your Lego set?” Brian replies.
As they both glance around and look at each other both reply “I guess we are”.
“You want to try the elevator” Brian asks with discomfort.
“Yes” G replied.
As they both try to take their first step music from the other room quietly tarted to play and when both had gotten to the counter the music elevated in sound and the man had appeared behind the keys of the organ. 
Then with no interruptions the figure just stopped turned around and as it walked over to G and Brian asked, “Would you like to go up for a ride?”
Brian says, “Is it going to Break?” which was a rhetorical question for G but says it to the piece standing in front of him.
Doc chuckled and then replied “Don’t be scared.  Get up in and take a ride.”
Both must have thought this was just a dream and just went along.
G got on the elevator first.
Then Brian hoped in.
The Doc waved them off as mysteriously he turned the machine on and spoke
“Goodbye my friends.”
The elevator started to go up, Brian was the only individual in the situation a little freaked out.
“G what just made us decide to go on this again?” Brian said.
“Well, what could go wrong we are Legos come on.” G replied.
“Yeah, I don’t know about that one.” Brian reapplied.
“Don’t worry this is going to be fine it’s just all a dream.” G replied.
“Yeah” Brian sighed with relief.
The elevator finally hit the top of the tower; the portal to a multi-dimension had opened. Which leads to the being of the Curse of Du-tat.
As flashes of the other side and the two roommates imitate the switching of bodies from other dimensions till, they end up switching places with other visions of themselves.
G has turned into a skeleton and Brian is apparently a blond.
They both scream freaking out.

Brian screaming
“This is not a dream!”

G replies
“Look at me”     
“What the---G what happened?”

“I don’t know”
Brian thinking, he is dreaming
“Wake up wake up wake up”

“This might not be so bad I looked worse. I like the blond hair Brian”

“What blonde hair?”

The elevator then drops to the bottom of the shaft knock G around and Brian out of the elevator.

Brian mutters
“Lego my ass my back still hurts.”
Brians hair suddenly turned back to his long brown hair tired in a tail.
While G moans in pain with a reply
“At least the elevator sort of works”
Both G and Brian both gradually start to get up.  Doc comes over to help them but there was something wrong with G. 
Brian looks at him and asks
"Are you okay" helping G get up even asking both of them "what happened?" knowing very well what he had done and what had happened to them.
G so confused what is going on saying complete nonsense.
Suddenly the door swings open and a pair of legs walks into the room.
Loudly Brian and G say, "Let's get out of here!" 
And both start heading out the door.
But the person that Brian left with is not the G he came with.

Video skit of the story board.

Full series will not be available till later next year

But check out every month to catch a new storyboard.

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